Saturday 27 September 2014

Paris-London Europe Trip. Subject: Minor Experiencing Culture 1

Day 1&2 - 11-12/9/14

This is the day I'm going to travel to Europe country for the first time but I only started to pack my luggage on the day before depart to KLIA because I'm still rushing to complete my viscom assignment in the morning!
Here are some tips when packing luggage:
i. do only bring necessary and important to minimize the weight of your luggage
ii. do not full your luggage as you are going to bring back more things from your vacation
iii. keep yr clothes by rolling it instead of fold it
iv. bring a bigger hand carry bag in case yr luggage do not have enough space

We suppose to gather at KLIA at 4pm but I during 3pm I already reached because I expect the journey would took me an hour.....
Exterior of KLIA

After that we get our boarding pass and check-in our luggage. Since there are time for us to have a meal before take the flight, we had Burger King as our dinner. I started to feel cost of food is high at KL airport and wondering how am I going to survive 10 days in Europe country which their cost of living is much more hight than in Msia.

Burger King as our last meal before departing 

We took 7;30pm flight and it's Emirates airline. We made a transition at Dubai international airport before we reached at Paris airport. We reached Dubai airport at around 10;30pm local time.
Interior of Dubai International airport
Columns that support from roof top to the ground

Stainless steel lift which expose to the interior mechanism
The architecture of Dubai International airport is so amazing! (maybe because of their country is rich??) I believe everyone do have a same feeling as mine. After the 5 hours 50 minutes waiting at here, we going to take the second flight which is from Dubai to Paris at 4;10am local time.
We finally reached Paris airport after a 7 hours of long flight.
Exterior of Paris airport
 There are a lot of people queue at the custom counter! (Frankly speaking, their working efficiency is a bit slow since we had waited for almost an hour....) Why dont they think to operate more custom counters since there are so many people here?!
Long queue at custom counter
To reach our first attraction in Paris, we  took the Roissy Shuttle bus (les car in france) from Charle de Gaulle Airport to the City Centre. 
Sign of les cars in Paris

One of the most unforgettable experience for this whole trip is how I rush all the way from airport to Eiffel tower by carrying 9kg luggage and a backpack. We took metro after get down from bus to Bir-Hakeim Station. After a long walking distance together with all the heavy luggage and backpack, we finally reached Eiffel Tower around 1pm!

View of Effiel tower captured underneath of it
Even though it's weekdays during our visiting but still there were crowded as I thought it's weekends or public holiday!
We took the lift in the Eiffel tower to get up to the second tower platform.
Hydraulics and lift that get us to second platform of tower

Panorama view captured on the second platform of tower
Standing binocle provided to maximize the scenery view
Group photo on the second platform (credit to Vijay)
Group photo with Eiffel tower
We finally managed to get our meal (lunch perhaps?) on the way we were getting to our hotel.
Omelette with cheese and ham
Menu of the restaurant
We took metro to Leo Lagrange station and finally reached our accommodation which named Park & Suites Appart Hotel.
Facade of the hotel
I did not actually join others for a mini walk at that night after unpack my luggage because I was totally exhausted! Good night! =)

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