Saturday 27 September 2014

Day 3- 13/9/14

We gather up at 8:30 in the morning and get our own breakfast from the supermarket which just beside our hotel.
Casino supermarket which just right beside our hotel

Higher semester seniors will not be joining us for the journey as they are going to their case study
location. So, here start our route! First, we are going to Notre Dame Church de Paris. 
Autumn leaves can be seen all the way during our journey

We had a chance to look at all of these interesting building during our way to Notre Dame Church. These building normally have a lot of details decoration at facade and most their railing is in ornament design. The architectural styles of these buildings are totally different from Malaysia which is more to the style of Romanesque and Baroque. One word conclusion: fascinating!  
Facade of Notre Dame Church
This is the most amazing church that I have ever seen! This huge facade actually took me few minutes to view because the detailing are so fine and small!
Gargoyles as a guard statue
Glass window on Notre Dame

Rose window on Notre Dame
Flying Buttresses on Notre Dame
The Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris is a famous example of Gothic architectural.

Our next stop was the Bridge of Love Lock! <3
Different kind of padlock design
This caught my eyes!

Here we reached the Louvre Museum.
Exterior view


Composite Column

Doric order


Massive arch entrance
Panorama view of the Louvre Museum
Pyramid is the entrance to museum through escalator 

Made of metal and glass
It's actually hot when we were waiting at the lobby of museum as it's too crowded and I guess their air conditioning system is not functioning well..... = =  Here's some art pieces in the museum.



Web ceiling design in museum
One of the ceiling design at the painting exhibition area
The statue and carving are just fascinating!
Mona Lisa painting
The size of Mona Lisa painting is much more smaller than I expected and it has been framed up. Frankly speaking, I did not understand why is she so famous... I should do more research on this painting perhaps.

Inverted pyramid that attached to ceiling

After few hours of visiting, we are heading to search for our lunch. As we know, the food here are expensive, so we just had Mcdonald...... TT

Our next stop is Pompidou Centre which is a place that display modern art.
Facade of Pompidou Centre
Interior of Pompidou
All the services are exposed on the ceiling.



Different kind of modern art painting

Interesting furniture design
There are total six floors in this centre and of course we did not manage to visit all the exhibition hall as we are lacking of time.

End of the day!

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