Saturday 27 September 2014

Day 5 -15/9/14

The only mission for today is to enjoy and have fun in Disneyland! We get a ticket that able to access to 2 parks which are Walt Disney Studios Park and Disneyland Park. We chose to get into Walt Disney Studios Park first as it will close early at 6pm.

Entrance of Disneyland Park


Environment in Disneyland

Once I stepped into Disneyland, I felt that I have jump into the cartoon scene as every building and objects around are just same as what we watched from the cartoon shows. My first thrill rides is The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. This is a thrilling elevator ride that plummets faster than the speed of gravity!
Interesting ceiling design in the Twilight Tower Zone
Old styles living room design
ps: you should have other warming up rides before taking this!

Interior of souvenir shop
Interior view with colourful lightning
As in Disneyland we are difficult to walk in a big group, most of us were went to explore by few people in a gang. Me and my group are more in love to all kinds of thrill rides so we decided move to Disneyland Park earlier although we did not actually done visiting at the Walt Disney Studios Park.
Facade of Disneyland Park

Panorama View in Disneyland

Lunch in the park
Give a scale of 8 for its deliciousness! 

Me & Castle <3
I together with Vivian, Illin, Elyne and Jie ling went back to hostel earlier as we are too tired to wait until night for the firework. I'm so regret that I did not manage to capture much photos of those thrill rides that I took as we are running out of time to fully discover the every parts of Disneyland. =(

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