Sunday 28 September 2014

Day 10,11,12- 20-22/9/14

This is the last day we spent our time in Europe. Today was a free and easy day. We were separately into 2 groups. First group is lead by Miss Shar that will going to Portobello Road Market, Abbey Road and Oxford Street while the second group is lead by Miss Norji that will head towards Harrods and Oxford Street and yet, I'm joined to the second group.
Harrods building

Some interior view of Harrods that looked so grand and luxury
Upon request from my mom, I bought a handbag from here. (not able to get a single item for myself at here.....) After done at Harrods, we then move to Oxford street by bus. We meet the sales period of Primark store at that time! Lucky huh? As we walking all the way to Primark, we saw almost everyone was carrying at least one shopping bag from it! As we expected, Primark was so crowded. Everyone was grabbing those stuffs into their shopping bag!
I successfully get some low price basic tee and 2 pairs of shoes for myself! =D
Primark Store
We then rush back to our hostel as we need to depart from London back to Paris by bus which going to take 9 hours of journey. We managed to reach Paris airport at around 12pm but guess what? Some of us will take the 9:50pm flight! As there are some issue with our boarding pass...I guess...

So after 6 hours flight from Paris to Dubai and another 6 hours from Dubai to KLIA. Finally we reached Malaysia at 10pm!!! I never expect that there will be one day I wish to say: I miss Malaysia.

I have gained a lot of new experience from this Europe trip such as went to Western country, witness the change of guard, had microwave food, skip dinner for few days and so on. Of course, as an architecture student, I feel glad and lucky that I have the chance to view at those famous buildings which I thought I'm only able to see from books or online before this trip. =D

Day 9- 19/9/14

A new day start at the King's Cross station where is one of the scene in Harry Potter movie. Since I'm not a big fan of him and did not even watch the series of Harry Potter movie, so I did not actually queue up just to capture a photo with the scene (a half trolley with luggage and birdcage ==)
This is the half trolley with luggage & birdcage.....
All of us said that today is Vijay's day because we are going to Arsenal Stadium. XD
In fact, I'm not that excited since I'm not a football fan too. 
Facade of Arsenal Stadium

We did not actually enter to the stadium as entrance fees needed except Miss Shar, Vijay and Hakim. Next, Miss Norji will be leading us to Tate Museum at Millbank. It's actually good to hear that entrance for Tate Museum is free as we did spent a lot for this trip.... TT
Exterior of Tate Museum

Interior of Tate Museum
Cafeteria in the museum
 Art pieces in the museum that I could not understand most of it. ==

After 2 hours of exploring the Tate Museum, we move to view the Tower of London and Tower Bridge.
Millenium Bridge

The restaurant where we stop to have our lunch
Randomly captured a nice corner come together with road sign & bicycle
Fish n Chip of the day

After lunch, some of us get separate with Miss Norji as they went to search for halal food. So we need to go to the Tower of London separately. We choose to go there by tube since it will be faster than bus. Our stop is Tower Hill station and we can straight away view the tower after the station exit.
Panorama view of London Tower

Huge amount of poppies to create a powerful visual commemoration for the First World War Centenary  
Photo with the London Tower

Tower Bridge view from far
Closer view of Tower Bridge

Feel lucky enough that we can witness the halves of bridge lift up!
The 2 halves of Tower Bridge lift up to allow large boats to sail under it
After hanging around at Tower Bridge, we went to Royal Festival Hall at Southbank and there was having a night market at that moment. 
Sweet sweet strawberry! Favorite all the time! <3 
Dinner of the day- huge hotdog with bread
*This is extremely delicious as both the hotdog and bread are so crunchy!*

Food stalls in the night market



Saturday 27 September 2014

Day 8- 18/9/14

First stop was the Buckingham Palace for day 8 trip. We reached there an hour earlier just to get a nice position to witness the change of guards. However, we still could not actually get a satisfy location to witness the process as there are too crowded!

Facade of Buckingham Palace
Queen Victoria Memorial statue
The process of guards changing start at 11;30am.


Here's a short video of the process of change of guard. I did enjoyed a lot when watching at this orderly military together with the music played and the band was amazed too!

After watching the process of changing of guards, we move towards Stratford to visit the Discovery Children's Story Centre as seniors are going to use this as their assignment case study. This centre is only for children from aged 0-11 to play and learn hence all the objects inside are mostly only suitable for children, such as the small chair,table, playground, and some entrance that design according to children's height. 
Facade of Children's Story Cntre
Interior space with interesting 3d decoration
small interior playground area

Outdoor playground
Children reading area & reception counter

 We went to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park after Children's story centre. This is a nice and relaxing place together with the windy weather at that moment. =)
Some view captured at Olympic park

Activities at night for day 8 was visit to the Big Ben and the London Eye. The Big Ben is more fascinating than we usually view it online! They made it very fine and detail. The detailing part on the top of Big Ben is in golden colour.
Big Ben and Parliament building

A close up photo of Big Ben

The London Eye

The end of the day! =)

Day 7- 17/9/14

On this day, we only managed to visit Science Museum for the trip of day 7 as we end up most of time in shopping. = = "

Facade of Science Museum
Information desk
Main hall
There are total of 5 floors in this museum. The first area when we entered the science museum is all about James Watt and his invention. This area placed with a lot of 3D engine/machine which some are made in one to one scale. 

The second area is Exploring Space. The interior design in this space is interesting with its lighting and 3D models that follow the space themed.
Some space ships are hang from ceiling 
Information board
Scale one to one space ship model

Next, I'm entered to Making the Modern World area.  

This is the Pattern Pod that allow kids have fun here. All of the programs here are to educate and allow children gain more knowledge in an interesting way.


Beside pattern pod is the Antenna- science news, 3D: printing the future.

Finally we are moving to the first floor now. "Who am I" is the area that attract me to visit the most. The reason why I fe this is the area that attract me the most because there are many small test in this area to let you know more about yourself by completing it.
Kiosk at the centre of this area
Visitor is playing the test
So now we are going to the Piccadilly Circus to have lunch and shopping!

Panorama view of Piccadilly Circus

Finally can have a proper meal with RICE!! This meal made me miss the foods in Malaysia even more... TT
Lunch of the day- Nasi Bryanni

Night view of London street

Good night!