Monday 10 November 2014

Interior Architecture Design Studio 3: Project 3- Zoo Visitor Centre

Finally this is the day!! The day of our final project presentation!! *gan jiong(panic)* > < Our task on this project is to design the spaces with programming in a zoo visitor centre. Zoo visitor centre is a place to let visitor know more about animal before visiting to zoo. The main issue of visitor centre is help to promote and achieve the 5 pillars of National Zoo- education, recreation, conservation, research and training. We are required to fill in the spaces with interactive programs.  

Here's my 8 A1 presentation board :)
Me n my presentation boards & model

Zoo Visitor Centre presentation board

Comment given by lecturers:
i. darken the column in plan
ii. render furniture/floor in plan
iii. improve on technical drawing
iv. presentation did not follow the flow of presentation board
v. space circulation not smooth enough

After this project, I have gain knowledge on how to fill in spaces with program, create space circulation in a building and etc. 

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