Friday 18 April 2014


This is one of the interior area in the John Storer House by Frank Lloyd Wright. In this assignment, we are required to make it into a 3D model! x.x I felt stressed once after I heard this from my lecturer..... Since we interior architecture student did not take part in the exam of History2, we need to produce this model which took 30% marks of this subject.

And so.......this is my outcome. I know this is not a great work but I swear I did put a lot of effort on it....(especially the textile concrete block behind the sofa set) TT 
Although I sacrifice my sleep to complete, I enjoyed and feel glad that I could actually complete this task which at first I think I couldn't =)

Saturday 12 April 2014



In this assignment, we need to reproduce the perspective view by referring to the chosen photo from any website.

Photo chosen online
Then, we need to identify the vanishing point and transform the image into a nice perspective inked drawing on cartridge paper.
Perspective drawing on cartridge paper

Perspective drawing on tracing paper
This is the first time I learn to draw a 2-point perspective drawing using the correct method. Through this task, I gained more knowledge on how to identify the VP on a perspective drawing. In the end, I realize that the grid method that Mr Kamal taught us is really useful!(y)

Comment given: lack of details



We are required to produce an exploded plan oblique drawing using pencil on cartridge paper first and then trace it on tracing paper. The angle I choose for this oblique drawing is 60°x 30°.



Drawing plan is just too common in this course. So here is the another common task given which we need to draw a set of layout plan for an artist studio. >< 

Furniture Layout (Ground Plan)
The mistakes I did for this assignment is forgot to draw the symbol of elevation A and the sliding door.
Comment given: good drawing skill, arrange sofa set nicely

Furniture Layout (Mezzanine Plan )

Im still wondering what is that dn means beside the staircase since Im just follow the example that given to draw.
Reflected Ceiling Plan
At first, all of us are confusing on how to draw a reflected ceiling plan. After we had a detail explanation from Ms. Norji (she replaced Mr Kamal on that day), finally we can completed this assignment. =)


When we are drawing the section of the mezzanine floor, we all discuss that the person that sleep at the mezzanine floor might fall down since there are not having any railing XD


Internal Elevation
Mistake: forgot to state the dimension of sliding door



We are required to sketch human figures & plants in 1 point perspective format. And this time, I use Faber Castell to render. Obviously the effect is much more better than my previous work (interior components)!
Im glad that this time I can get B+ for this since I did put a lot of effort to render the plants TT
Comment given: good understanding  of human figure + foliage scale and good rendering technique but lack of detailing. 

Interior perspective with human figure and furniture
Comment given: wrong perspective built up for furniture (I havent know the technique of drawing perspective in this moment  TT)



This is the first assignment for my Design Communication 2. In this assignment, we are required to sketch the interior physical components and render using colour pencil.

Chair & Upholstered seating

Table & Storage

I found that the challenge of this task is the skill of applying the shadow to the components. As u can see, I got a low grade and have been advised to understand the shadow of an object and improve my rendering technique.

Extra information: I realize that the Staedtler colour pencil is hard to create the effect of natural shadow compare to Faber Castell. Im using the Staedtler colour pencil for this assignment and I have decided not to use it to create shadow anymore!

Wednesday 9 April 2014



A view to the interior spaces

This is the first 3D residential model I did. I did not actually design the interior spaces since we just need to follow the previous work.

After we done this model, we have a photography section. We need to capture the different angles of exterior and interior view of the model. Lastly, we are required to compose those photos in Photoshop. 

And so, this is the final composition of my model presentation board. I already try my best to edit it nicely with my poor photoshop skills even though it's still is a boring composition..... =( After this, I knew that i must explore more on my photoshop skill to make sure I can do a better composition next time.