Tuesday 24 February 2015

The Imitation Game movie review

I do agree that computer has become our daily necessaries but if you don't know who the founder of this greatest invention was, then 'The Imitation Game' is a solid introduction to break your doubt. Alan Turing, a mathematician, is considered the father of computer. As Alan says at the beginning of the movie "are you paying attention", you should pay attention as the movie scenes will switch between the period where the team trying to break the Enigma code, childhood of Alan and the events that after the World War II. Why do I say so? Because I get confused by the scenes switching......

The film primarily focuses on Alan's time at Bletchley Park as a leader in a codebreakers team that appointed to crack the Enigma code that Nazis were using to communicate with their planes, submarines and ships to order attacks. Before Alan led the team, he was not so much welcome by the experts as his autism and self-ego attitude when they were working together. However, Joan Clark, lone female member, changed him and he successfully blend into. No matter how capable a person, he will need others help in a mean time. Even Alan is a genius but teamwork is critical as we can see the other team members united and threaten Commander Denniston to leave if he insisted to terminate Alan's code breaking mission.

Alan met Christopher (soul mate) when he saved him from being bullied during his childhood. Alan became confident after Christopher supported him in his life and appreciate him. The reason why he name his machine Christopher is because he want to reminisce him. Besides, Alan had feeling towards Christopher unconsciously after Christopher encouraged and helped him a lot when everyone decided to leave him. A good friend can motivate one when he is under depression. Being friend with others not only can enjoy excitement together but also can help each other in life.

I think the ending is quite sad as Alan choose to end his life due to the pressure of chemical castration. The war was shortened by more than 2 years, over millions of lives saved because of Alan. He is not only a genius who manage to crack the Enigma code but also a hero in WW2. He should be proclaimed and awarded for winning the war instead of being sentenced for indecency. If I'm allowed I wish Alan did not get any punishment for his homosexuality so then he might help the country in solving difficulties with his intelligence.

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