Tuesday 14 April 2015

Building with feeling

Behaviour shapes the meaning. Space planning is less about building than it is reshaping the behaviour that the space affords. Any spaces, building and environment will influence how we feel and behave, so called environmental psychology. For instance, bright area for a study environment can reduce the sleepiness, soft colour of wall design can calm our feeling, increase the amount of dustbin at outdoor can improve the cleanliness of environment and etc. Environmental influences may involve with our senses. Bright lighting in a specific area, sitting on a comfortable unit in cinema, entering to a coffee shop. These environment influences will trigger our emotions and feelings in a direct or indirect way.

Jewish Museum, Berlin
One of the interesting example I found out which fully represents how a space planning of a building can influence the building occupants’ feeling and emotion once they entered. Jewish Museum at Berlin by Daniel Libeskind. This building presents and incorporates the social and cultural history Post-war Germany, exposing the damaging effects of the Holocaust. Unlike with the typical museum, Jewish Museum is not functioning as a means of educating, or acting in any informative role. It then suggests that the act of the museum being built, gave rise to the active commemoration of the Jewish History, invigorating a new light into the demonstration of its History.

Daniel Libeskind want to express feelings of absence, emptiness, and invisibility as the expressions of disappearance of Jewish culture. He use architectural element as a medium to provide visitors an experience of effects of Holocaust on both the Jewish culture and the city of Berlin. There is no formal entrance to this extension separate building. Visitors have to enter from the original Baroque museum in an underground corridor in order to enter the Jewish Museum. There are three routes and only one of them is leading to the continuous path which is the gallery. Libeskind make use of the dark and narrow corridor to create the sense of losing direction to visitors.

We might misinterpret that the spaces in this building might be wide and has bright interior design as this is a museum. However, the interior spaces are totally different from the building exterior form. Libeskind’s design leads people through gallery, empty spaces, and dead ends. The interior is composed of reinforced concrete which create the sense of cold and old. Visitors may get into dead ends where only a silver of light can be seen. This is to allow them to experience what the Jewish people during WW2 felt where feel like never escape.

66' tall void & Garden of Exile
One of the most emotional spaces in the building is a 66’ tall void that run through the entire building. This space is surrounding with cold concrete wall where there is a small amount of light from slit at top. There ground is covered by coarse iron faces as a symbol of those lost during the Holocaust. Visitors once again feel lost and confused when step into the Garden of Exile where 49 tall concrete pillars that built in slanted way.

Techniques of Libeskind use to create the fear and terror experience including the use of making visitors come to a dead end, walking between a narrow and dark corridor, creating the feeling lost in between tall concrete blocks, and walking on the course iron faces. This is how Daniel Libeskind translate human experience into an architectural composition. Juxtapose architectural element against spaces is an essential rule in order to design a space with emotion and let visitors receive the message that we wish to spread out after they experienced it. 

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Old VS New

With the growth of economy, the lesser the land are available for new buildings. There has been much debate about whether an old building should be preserve or demolish. As people are confronting with preserving or demolishing the old buildings, I am agree with demolishing the old buildings rather than taking down the jungle for new buildings.

First of all, the old buildings here I meant are the OLD buildings, not the historic buildings with significant history background. Here are some points to support my stand. There are variety of reason why these old building are being replaced. Many of them were built as residential purpose and typically the problem is that they no longer have appropriate facilities for modern kind of living. For example, they been built in an era when air-conditioning system was not a priority, or even bathrooms and toilets were outside. For my point of view, the design of old building is not suitable for the lifestyle nowadays, it is often cheaper to demolish these building rather than renovate them. 

Fire safety system has not been installed, serious damage of asbestos, supporting system getting weaker. These are some serious issues that I think old building should be demolish as these not only affect the aesthetic of urban city streetscape but could cause injured to the building occupants. 

The New York Tombs, a prison that also housed courts and a police station, was built in 1838. However, the foundation was weak and the building began to sink.  

The New York Tombs, a prison that also housed courts and a police station, was built in 1838. However, the foundation was weak and the building began to sink. It was replaced by a new building in 1902, which was later demolished in 1974.
New York Tombs
The Western Union building was designed to be fireproof. However, it had burned down in 1890.
The Western Union Building was built in 1875 at 23rd and Fifth Ave. It was designed to be fireproof, but burned down in 1890.
Western Union Building
Structural system of massive building getting weaker after a long duration without proper maintenance and even a building which initially designed to be fireproof being burned down then led to demolish. Safety is the priority of a building no matter how many historical meaning behind it. Unsafe old buildings are consider a threat to the society. Removing a dangerous building can actually add value to the property surround it, which could attract more buyers to that area.

"Not every old building is a good building and not every one has heritage qualities."

We have to recognize the line between nostalgia and heritage.Old building need higher maintenance compare to new one. To those old buildings that are badly damaged to be restored, it is not cost-effective or worthwhile for the public. In this case, the society could get a better return from a brand new building rather than restored building. There is no wrong with demolishing an old building if the land cleared is going to be used beneficially such as academy center, condominium, commercial office, etc. There is no point to keep an old building which do not have any function other than letting it 'decay' naturally.

People claimed that old building can reflect their culture. But what about buildings that torn down or things that demolished to build these buildings? I could say that these buildings destroyed the culture of that area when they were built. The point is that culture can change by following the steps of lifestyle. 

 People around the world will only recognize Petronas Twin Tower, this skyscraper building as a symbolic building of Malaysia but not the old building that hidden somewhere in Kuala Lumpur. Old buildings with significant historical background should be preserved but not the old buildings that abandoned due to its serious damaged. 

Tuesday 24 February 2015

The Imitation Game movie review

I do agree that computer has become our daily necessaries but if you don't know who the founder of this greatest invention was, then 'The Imitation Game' is a solid introduction to break your doubt. Alan Turing, a mathematician, is considered the father of computer. As Alan says at the beginning of the movie "are you paying attention", you should pay attention as the movie scenes will switch between the period where the team trying to break the Enigma code, childhood of Alan and the events that after the World War II. Why do I say so? Because I get confused by the scenes switching......

The film primarily focuses on Alan's time at Bletchley Park as a leader in a codebreakers team that appointed to crack the Enigma code that Nazis were using to communicate with their planes, submarines and ships to order attacks. Before Alan led the team, he was not so much welcome by the experts as his autism and self-ego attitude when they were working together. However, Joan Clark, lone female member, changed him and he successfully blend into. No matter how capable a person, he will need others help in a mean time. Even Alan is a genius but teamwork is critical as we can see the other team members united and threaten Commander Denniston to leave if he insisted to terminate Alan's code breaking mission.

Alan met Christopher (soul mate) when he saved him from being bullied during his childhood. Alan became confident after Christopher supported him in his life and appreciate him. The reason why he name his machine Christopher is because he want to reminisce him. Besides, Alan had feeling towards Christopher unconsciously after Christopher encouraged and helped him a lot when everyone decided to leave him. A good friend can motivate one when he is under depression. Being friend with others not only can enjoy excitement together but also can help each other in life.

I think the ending is quite sad as Alan choose to end his life due to the pressure of chemical castration. The war was shortened by more than 2 years, over millions of lives saved because of Alan. He is not only a genius who manage to crack the Enigma code but also a hero in WW2. He should be proclaimed and awarded for winning the war instead of being sentenced for indecency. If I'm allowed I wish Alan did not get any punishment for his homosexuality so then he might help the country in solving difficulties with his intelligence.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Art vs Design

In this topic, I personally think that both of art and design are important and should be exist together in order to create something with aesthetic and usability. Art can be differentiate into visual art and performing art. Visual arts are something that we can look at such as drawing, painting, sculpture, photography and architecture. Performing arts are art forms in which artists use their body, voice, or objects to convey artistic expression. While design, consider as a work process which has user perspective and drive development based on customer need to achieve certain objective.

Now, how to differentiate into a clearer way between these two? First, art is experience-driven while design is solution driven. I believe that art = experience + creativity. Art piece is actually a form of projection. Artist who produce an art piece and how someone view at a art piece will be influence by their own experienced. However, design will figure and solve the problems to make our life easier. We want to snap photos, listening to music, texting, calling and so on therefore someone created a gadget which have all of this function - smartphone. People complaining sometimes their backpack is too heavy therefore come out with the bag with wheel on it. 

An art doesn't need to achieve any goal other than viewing as it's a form of self expression by an artist. We may perceive others feelings without words through view on it. Art can be considered as an international languages as it can be understand by people from different country. In other hand, design need to be plan, follow rules and restrictions as it's for others but not the designer.They need to focus on external constraints. When we want to design a coffee shop, things that concerned are what is the ambiance nowadays people prefer? What flavor of coffee can attract people? What facilities people request at a coffee shop?   Design must have objective otherwise it will be meaningless and not say to be a design anymore but is an art. 
Cutlery chair
Everyone know this is a chair but can it carry out its function as a chair? I guess not. No one dare to sit on it therefore this is not consider a chair. Therefore, this will be consider as art piece instead of a design of chair.

As mentioned, the understanding of art is different from one to another therefore how we set a guideline between good art and poor art? An good art piece will be able to spark discussion among audiences as viewing an art need thinking and observation. There is no right or wrong since it's just an interpretation.
What thought came to you first you look at this art piece without knowing the title? Someone dancing? practicing yoga? or a grasshopper?? Well, the title of this art piece is 'Lover hugs'. Maybe most of u can only understand it after knowing the title. Same to me. However, this doesn't make sense in design. Audience should receive the same message that a design trying to give out, no conflict thoughts in between and there is a good design. How well can the audience understand what message trying to spread out is the most concern issues in a design?
 The Last Judgement, Michelangelo 
This painting portraying the ending of world where the judgement is going to happen in front of Christ. Even though this is an art piece but it's having design in it as well. What it trying to evoke? What Michelangelo trying to communicate using this painting? These classified it into an art piece. While in term of design, he need to deal with each of the figures inside the painting used how much spaces, budget to completed it, method of painting, material used and etc. He need to plan all these issues in order to complete this painting. 

Art and design are correlated. Design without any aesthetic value might seem boring and art work together with design may come out a great work. 

Day 4 - 9/2/15

After breakfast in a famous local kopitiam, we gather beside the Plan B restaurant at Sekeping Kong Heng. This day we are allow to enter the Sekeping Kong Heng hostel to have a visit!! *excited*

All of us were separated in to 2 groups. One visit to the hostel which almost completed renovation while another group visit to hostel which were still under construction.

I first visit to hostel which are still under construction. Normally I saw the interior which already done renovation therefore I couldn't understand how was the wiring and plumbing goes before covered by the finishes. From this visit, I can roughly get some ideas and try understand how are those wiring and plumbing flow. Besides, materials that used are soundproof, something like sponge are inserted to the wall to minimize the noise out of the room. I already can imagine how interesting this place is going to be after done renovation. I must pay a visit in the future to look at the completed work!

The design of rooms here are different from what we normally seen. The floor finishes here are exposed concrete and the rooms are actually semi enclosed as it's surrounded with wired gate instead of brick wall. Therefore, hotel guests can view to ground floor from their room. One design that I couldn't understand here is why is the shower area are not enclosed as it's using the glass wall. I thought shower is something privacy but why.......

Interior design of room
The design that impressed the most here is the floating sleeping area in this room. Even though I think this is a special design but I don't feel completely safe as it will produce some noise (some sort of sound like the timber is going to break ><) when I step on it. Other than that, the ladder which help us get on to floating area are too slanted for me, it's almost 90 degree! I would give 9/10 for the creativity but not in term of the comfort level. 

Kellie's Castle was our next stop which at first we planned to visit during the first day of our trip.

Kellie's Castle was built by William Kellie Smith, a successful planter in Ipoh area. It is an abandoned incomplete mansion in Batu Gajah, Perak. The house was built in 1909-10910 in Greco-Roman and Moorish styles with extravagant columns and arches and keyhole windows. The bricks and tiles were imported from India. 

Floor plan of Kellie's Castle
Even we only can see ground floor and first floor plan, but actually this mansion is much more higher than that. Some of the areas are located higher than first floor. It has several secret rooms and tunnel which lead to another places during emergency. Even though we visited it during daytime but I can still feel a bit creepy when entered to few of the dark or secret rooms which lead by narrow tunnel. 

Before ended our Ipoh 4D3N trip, we went to tin mining musuem as the last stop.

Entrance of tin mining museum

To scale machines display that use during tin mining 

Panorama view of musuem

Photos show the scene during tin mining
Here attached with a video that summarize all of the activities and excitement we had during these 4 days! Enjoy =D

Day 3 - 9/2/15

Lost world of Tambun water theme park was our only stop for this day schedule. The design of the theme park is using the Egypt element as it is under the management of Sunway corporation.

After entered, the area of this theme park is smaller than I expected. It has total of 11 zoning which area Water park, Amusement park, Lupe's adventure, Haunted chambers, Tiger valley, Tin valley, Hot springs & spa, Swan lake, Animal care centre, Petting zoo, Porcupine trail and Team building park. However, the entry pass is not include all of the zoning that I mentioned.

Photo at the facade
Photo with the 'pontianak' cosplay
I did not take much photo here as we are not convenient to carry the camera all around while playing.
Group photo

Day 2 - 8/2/15

Flea market behind our hotel is waiting for us in this morning. I went to the flea market after had a quick breakfast with Nano and Nana. The market was crowded. Vintage item, shirts, toys and even fish and prawn can be seen at there. As a warm reminder, if u are planning to visit it, please carry your bag in front to prevent pick pocket.

Vintage items sell at flea market
When 1030am, we were heading to Ipoh old town to do research on our own assignment.

Wall arts in Ipoh
The weather on that day is hot therefore we decided to have a bowl of cendol before start with our research. We walk and look around the heritage building along the street. 

Heritage buildings along the street
Unfortunately, the day that we went to visit these places was Sunday therefore most of the heritage buildings was closed and we couldn’t have a chance to interview about it. =(

We saw a lot of theme cafĂ© along the street which most of them has an interesting interior design but sadly we do not have enough time to visit every of them. I think Sekeping Kong Heng is the most attractive place at here. We couldn’t get to visit it on this day but luckily we are able to do this on the last day of our trip. (which I will talk further later on =p)

Ground floor of Sekeping Kong Heng have few handicraft souvenir shops, cafes and even an old fashioned barber shop. I never thought about inside Ipoh old town street has such an interesting place. Here is different from what we normally seen at kl as most of the items selling here are handmade therefore it's a bit 'high cost' for me. 
Souvenir shops at Sekeping Kong Heng
We accidentally bump into a free puppy adoption corner when hanging around along the street. These teenagers are actually volunteers and their purpose of having such a kiosk along the street is to get those homeless puppies a shelter. As I dont have the ability to adopt a puppy, I bought something they are selling as donation.

After lunch, we went to the Happy8 Boutique Hotel for case study. Interior design of this boutique hotel has much differences from others. Chinese traditional style is the theme of hotel. They used timber as their main material to design the interior. Once we entered, we greet by a friendly receptionist and we did a short interview with her regarding this boutique hotel. After having the conversation with her, we gain some useful info to help us on our design subject such as the management and how to overcome some common hotel issues. =) Unfortunately, we are not allow to visit their rooms design therefore I get to view it from Google image. What impressed me the most from this hotel is how they managed to design a hotel in such a compact area.

Interior design of rooms (from Google)

Night activities for this day was visiting to the Kinta riverfront walk. The view here is similar with the I-city at Shah Alam with those colourful trees.

Night view at Kinta Riverfront

Saturday 14 February 2015

Experiencing culture trip to Ipoh

DAY 1- 7/2/15

After trip to Paris-London, this semester I went to Ipoh, Perak for the subject, experiencing culture 2 with my lecturers and course mates. We gather in front of UCSI lobby and depart at 830 morning. Our first stop for this trip is a heritage house located at Gopeng which named heritage house museum Gopeng.

Facade of Museum Gopeng
What I get to know about this house from the person in charge is during the past this is a residential house stay by a man which he design the interior of this house by his own. Later on, government has preserved this place as a museum and manage by a group of volunteer. He use timber as the main material for this building. A lot of vintage items are display in the house.

Vintage items display
I found out that the interior of this building has a good ventilation system as we don’t feel extremely hot when there is a group of people are inside in the house at the same time even without the installation of air conditioning. Besides, I feel the space planning of this house is interesting on how he fully utilized every spaces. This house has first floor, one mezzanine floor, one area located at attic and one open air balcony at first floor. I will take this house as a references to design my spaces in boutique hotel for the design subject. I bought few postcard before take-off to Ipoh.

Next, we went to a pottery factory. We not only visit the pottery but also get a chance to make the design on it by our own!! Even though we get dirty with the mud on hand and shirt when we doing this handicraft but all of us enjoy it!! =)

Here attached a video on how the pak cik mould the pottery.