Tuesday 29 July 2014

Communication & Visualisation

Assignment 2

In this assignment, we are required to produce a rapid visualisation drawing about the brief information of the first project in design subject which is an art piece that have to represent a certain animal that we have chosen. Unfortunately, I had a huge misunderstanding about this assignment since this is the first time I going to produce a rapid visualisation drawing. I thought that we have to draw a drawing that represent our animal in a not literally way which means something that symbolise that animal. In the end, I have drawn the tiger’s claws…. 

Assignment 1

Introduce yourself by using the rapid visualization method.

The very first task for this subject that given by Miss Norji is we are required to produce a quick sketch to introduce ourselves through our own characteristic, hobby, appearance etc. We have been taught that quick sketch must be produce without using any eraser or correction tape to make changes on the sketches. What I have use to represent myself is darts games since I'm addicted to this games recently and has become one of my hobby. So in the end I have produce a thumbnail quick sketch.

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